<aside> 💡 ⏳Time estimated: 5 minutes



<aside> 👀 Take this page from Kettle & Fire as inspiration/example for the below info.


Step 1 - Content

In the first part fill up the info that will display above the fold in the hero section

  1. Page name → this will be also the /path/ of the page so we recommend using only one word or adding - once needed (example first-deal or firstdeal)
  2. Headline, value props will be visible in the hero section
  3. Remember to add the coupon code you want to promote
  4. Update hero background color with a static color or an image with overlay


Step 2 - Timer

Deal duration represent the section where you can decide long the countdown will last.

  1. You can decide if you want to countdown to automatically restart after it expires (ie you set 3 days and after the 3 days the countdown re-start with 3 days left etc etc)
    1. If you select “no” you can then decide where you want to redirect the page after the deal expired
  2. Then you can select the month / day and hour that the timer should start counting.
  3. Afterward select the number of days the deal should last.


Step 3 - Products

Easy peasy, now you can just select the products or collection you want to display in the deal page.

You can search by name or by product ID if easier.
